
Jimmy Gathu New job

We, the children who grew up in the 90’s knowJimmy Gathu from his days as one of the firstpresenters at KTN. He hosted evening shows such as Rap’Em, Kass Kass,Rastrut, Jam-a-Delic and Rythmix during the weekdays.Over the weekends, he wore a different hat hosting the kids’show Club Kiboko on Saturday mornings. He then moved toradio […]


Huddah Monroe grows Big Hips over night

Your favorite socialte is growing things. The other day,she seemed to have grown some b@@bs from her beestings to something you can actually feel. She has nowadded a new baby to her gorgeious body; she hasactually grown hips. The above photo shows that herhips are now bigger than they have been. Click here after the […]


Senetor Mike sonko’s daughter

6. Saumu Mbuvi She is the lovely daughter to Kenya’s most flamboyantpolitician. Like her dad, the young girl like to livelarge, she is a politician of sorts (student leader atJKUAT Karen) and is generous as demonstrated by hergiving out cash to a group of disadvantaged peoplewhile holidaying at the Coast over the Christmas period. The […]


4.Governor kabogo son

4. Alvin Kabogo Kiambu Governor William Kabogo is moneyed andenjoys a lavish lifestyle as demonstrated by making itrain on his supporters during the election period. And itrubs off on Alvin Kabogo. Alvin is the youngest son to Kiambu Governor Kabogoand the brother to Andrew Kabogo.just like Kabogo,Kabogo Junior likes to stunt like his daddy, he […]


3.Tabitha karanja’s daughter

3. Anerlisa Muigai She is the daughter to Keroche Breweries founder andCEO Tabitha Karanja who was last year named theBusinesswoman of the Year in the CNBC Africa AllAfrica Business Leaders Awards. Anerlisa owns her own company Nero which sells‘Executive Water’ that is normally found in high endplaces and costs around 300 for a bottle of […]


2.Lupita nyong’o

2.Lupita Nyong’o She is the daughter of Anyang’ Nyong’o one of Kenya’smost prolific politicians .Mr. Nyong’o is the SecretaryGeneral of the Orange Democratic Movement and iscurrently serving as the Senator for Kisumu County.


Meet kenyas richest kids

1. Ngina, Muhoho and Jomo Kenyatta Their dad is President, their grandpa was president andtheir family owns one of Kenya’s biggest dairycompanies, Brookside, they own Mediamax the mediaconglomerate that K24, People Daily, Kameme andMilele F.M are under, Heritage Hotels, CommercialBank of Africa and large vast of land. The family reportedly owns some of the most […]