In an interview with Radio Jambo Digital on Thursday morning, Samuel Makori, better known as Kasmuel McOure, addressed rumors about his expulsion from Alliance Boys High School. The 26-year-old activist and artist refuted claims of being expelled, though he did acknowledge his mischievous behavior during his time there.
Kasmuel admitted that he encountered several suspensions starting in Form 2, leading to his eventual transfer from the prestigious Kiambu-based school to Maranda High School. He described his behavior as typical teenage mischief rather than a deliberate act of rebellion. “I started being mischievous in Form 2 like many teenagers do. It wasn’t about 4G; it was about dealing with suspensions. 4G is a voluntary commitment. I changed schools because high school is a time for exploration and life experiences,” he explained.
The activist, who has recently gained attention for his involvement in anti-government protests, also shared insights into his personal life, revealing that he is currently in a relationship. “Yes, I am dating,” he confirmed. “Dating is a wonderful experience. It’s great to have someone you love, respect, and consider a friend. I highly recommend it.”
Regarding youth politics, Kasmuel expressed his reservations about the creation of a Gen-Z political party, arguing that it might be exclusionary by focusing solely on a specific age group. “Instead of creating a new party, find one that aligns with your values and positions, and become an active member,” he advised.
Kasmuel’s recent activism has brought him into the spotlight on social media and various media platforms. His engagement in protests, along with his perspectives on education, relationships, and political participation, has established him as a significant voice among young activists.