The tale of Yesu wa Tongaren, who claims to be Jesus from Bungoma, has become an internet sensation, with a lot of information about him readily available online. However, his true identity is Eliud Wekesa, and he is a married man.
Deborah Wekesa, his firstborn daughter, has decided to reveal the truth about her father and why she, her brother, and her mother no longer reside with Yesu wa Tongaren. According to Deborah, her father used to be a heavy drinker and frequently spent money on local illicit brew, commonly known as ‘Chang’aa.’
Additionally, she described him as a violent man who frequently assaulted their mother Teresia while under the influence of alcohol. They could not live in harmony due to his behavior and negative characteristics.
Deborah recounted an incident in which Yesu wa Tongaren sold their family bull and used the proceeds to purchase 5 liters of Chang’aa. He consumed the alcohol alone and the next day awoke disoriented and forgetful, ultimately driving his family away.
Subsequently, their uncle, who resides in Nairobi, came to their aid. Deborah, her brother Erastus, and their mother all struggled in the city until they were able to secure employment at City Mortuary. Deborah is now a chef at the morgue, while Erastus works as a watchman.
Deborah acknowledged that she misses her father’s love, but she disagrees with his present conduct. She insisted that Yesu Wa Tongaren is not the real Jesus and that his alcohol addiction caused him to forget who he is. She urged Bungoma residents and his followers to stop being misled by him and instead serve the living God, not a human being.