
Ndevu Mbaya : Men with heavy beards have small testicles  – Research

A recent study from the University of Western Australia and the University of Zurich has suggested that men who have long and heavy beards may have smaller testicles. The research team examined the testicles of over 100 different male primates in order to come to this conclusion.

The study found that it is difficult for males to have both large testicles and impressive beards, as this requires a significant amount of energy. While the study primarily focused on animals, many experts believe that the results can be applied to humans, as we are also primates.

According to Dr Cyril Grueter, one of the study’s co-authors, the size of testicles is closely linked to a male’s appearance and his desire to father offspring. However, not all males can achieve their desired reproductive success. Therefore, they may produce “badges of status” – ornamental features that help them to control access to females by intimidating other males.