In a remarkable tale of humility and simplicity, Noah Wanyama, the father of renowned football stars Victor Wanyama and McDonald Mariga, has captured the attention of his village, Ekisumo, in Nambale constituency, Busia County. Despite his sons’ massive success and multimillion-dollar fortunes, Noah Wanyama lives a modest and unassuming life that has led many to doubt his paternal connection to the famous athletes.
Both Victor Wanyama and McDonald Mariga have played in some of the world’s most prestigious football leagues, earning substantial salaries that propelled them into the realm of multimillionaires. Victor, currently a player for Montreal Impact in Canada, commands an impressive weekly salary of £62,000 or Ksh9.3 million, totaling an astounding £62,000/Ksh37 million per month.
One might expect that Noah Wanyama, as the father of a son who earns a staggering Ksh37 million monthly salary, would live a life of luxury and opulence. However, this is far from the reality. During an interview with Mary Atwoli Kilobi on KTN’s popular lifestyle show ‘Wako Wapi,’ Wanyama’s father revealed that his frugal lifestyle is a deliberate choice.
Noah Wanyama expressed that he has always lived a simple life, even before his sons achieved international fame and fortune. He emphasized his humility in all aspects of his existence, right down to his attire. He disclosed to Kilobi that he only wore a suit for the television interview because he knew it was expected of him.
However, Noah Wanyama’s modest lifestyle has led to skepticism and disbelief among the residents of Ekisumo village. He shared that he has overheard discussions and arguments in his community, with many people doubting his connection to Victor Wanyama and McDonald Mariga due to his unassuming way of life.
Despite the doubts cast upon him, Noah Wanyama remains content and steadfast in his chosen path. He takes pride in his simplicity, showing the world that material wealth does not define a person’s worth or identity. While his sons have reached unprecedented heights in the football world, Noah Wanyama continues to be a living testament to the power of humility, proving that true character lies within and not in material possessions.
As the residents of Ekisumo village grapple with the realization that their unassuming neighbor is indeed the father of two illustrious football stars, Noah Wanyama’s story serves as an inspiration, reminding us all that true wealth comes from within and that a humble heart is a priceless treasure.