
Meet Single Alex And Alan; Kenyan Identical Twins Now Pilots At the Same US Airline.

Kenyan identical twin brothers, Alex and Alan, have captured the hearts of many with their inspiring journey to become pilots at Alaska Airlines in the United States. The duo is celebrated as the airline’s first set of identical twin pilots.

Alan secured his position shortly after completing simulator training, marking a significant milestone for the brothers. His home base will be in San Francisco, while Alex operates out of Los Angeles.

Having spent their early years in Kenya before relocating to California at the age of 13, the brothers trace their passion for aviation back to the tender age of three. Their childhood was shaped by regular plane-spotting excursions with their father every Sunday after church, as well as accompanying their mother on business trips, fueling their fascination with flights.

Recalling a pivotal childhood moment, Alan shared with Alaska Air how their mother purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator to support their budding interest. “After I started playing with the program, that was it. I knew I wanted to do that [fly] for a job,” affirmed Alan.

Both brothers now share the dream of flying together professionally, a goal yet to be realized due to the intricacies of their respective roles. “We’ve never flown together professionally because we’ve always been on different aircraft,” noted Alex, currently serving as a first officer. The ultimate objective is for one of them to ascend to the rank of captain, enabling them to operate the same aircraft and fulfill their dream of flying side by side.

When the day comes for them to share the cockpit, there is a special person they want to have on board—their mother. She is credited as instrumental in nurturing their love for aviation, although she has not yet experienced a flight with either of her sons. “We have to get her on one of our flights,” added Alex, emphasizing the desire to share the joy of their achievement with their supportive mother.