
“It will take 30 years to get another Kikuyu president after Uhuru” – Mutahi Ngunyi Warns The Mountain.

Controversial political analyst, Mutahi Ngunyi has cautioned the Kikuyu community to trend cautiously in choosing the next Presidential candidate.

Ngunyi in an interview with K24 on Sunday, May 30, said that some of those supporting Ruto and his hustler narrative have been misled and will see to the downfall of the mountain leadership adding that the DP is only dividing the community.

“Kikuyus will be in opposition from 2022 and it will take another 30 years for Kenyans to support another Kikuyu presidency,” Ngunyi said.

Ngunyi also added that it will be a huge blow to the GEMA community if Ruto will be elected as president come 2022.

The analyst also went on to claim that Ruto has poisoned the community against each other with a big lie that most Kikuyus have swallowed.

Ngunyi further went on to add that the community will see another president coming from them after 30 years if they will not remain united.

Notably, the Kikuyu community has dorminated the country’s top seat since 1963.