MCA Tricky is a popular comedian and actor in Kenya, known for his roles in Churchill Show, a weekly comedy show that airs on NTV Kenya. As one of the main cast members of the show, it is only natural to wonder how much he earns per show.
According to reports, MCA Tricky earns a handsome amount per show on Churchill Show. In fact, it is believed that he is one of the highest paid comedians on the show, along with other popular comedians like Eric Omondi and Jalang’o.
It is not uncommon for comedians in Kenya to earn large sums of money for their performances. In fact, the entertainment industry in Kenya is known to be very lucrative, with many successful actors and comedians earning millions of shillings annually.
So, how much does MCA Tricky earn per show on Churchill Show? It is difficult to accurately determine the exact amount, as the salaries of actors and comedians are often not made public. However, based on reports and estimates from industry insiders, it is believed that MCA Tricky earns anywhere from KES 100,000 to KES 200,000 per show on Churchill Show.
This is a significant amount of money, especially considering the fact that Churchill Show is a weekly show. Therefore, MCA Tricky is likely earning a considerable sum of money each year from his appearances on the show.
In addition to his earnings from Churchill Show, MCA Tricky also earns income from other sources such as brand endorsements, acting roles in movies and TV shows, and stand-up comedy performances. Therefore, it is safe to say that MCA Tricky is a very successful and well-paid comedian in Kenya.
Overall, MCA Tricky’s earnings per show on Churchill Show are likely to be in the range of KES 100,000 to KES 200,000, making him one of the highest paid comedians on the show.