
Hilarious! Staring at women’s breasts is secret for men to live longer – Study

According to recent research published in Archives of Internal Medicine, cultivating positive emotions could lead to improved health decisions and ultimately, a longer life.

The study followed 756 individuals with coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or asthma who were asked to write down personal health goals. Only half of the participants were instructed to start their day with positive thoughts and practice self-affirmations regularly.

After a year, the results were striking. Those who engaged in positive thinking and experienced pleasant emotions – even if it was simply by admiring a beautiful view or engaging in a meaningful conversation – were more likely to make healthier choices about their health.

It’s worth noting that the study did not recommend staring at women’s breasts as a means of achieving positive emotions, as this behavior is generally considered inappropriate and disrespectful. Instead, the research emphasizes the importance of cultivating positivity in everyday life to promote better health outcomes.