A section of Somalia nationalities living in the United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 15, held demos outside the Kenyan Embassy in London protesting against President Uhuru Kenyatta for the airstrikes in Somalia allegedly by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).
The protestor who were armed with megaphones and placards chanted slogans that Uhuru should be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC), labeling him a war criminal.
The protestors also called for the KDF troops to be withdrawn from Somalia.
“Kenyan government shame on you, Uhuru Kenyatta shame on you, Uhuru is a war criminal,” the protesters raged on as they called for justice for the bereaved families.
“KDF’s attack is the most recent example of the Kenyan army operations resulting in the death and maiming of civilians, including women and children, that are increasingly becoming an unpleasant hallmark of the Kenyan Air Force’s standard operating procedure,” part of the statement read.
The protest seemed to have the backing of the Somalia Federal Government as its communication officers reshared photos and videos of the demos.
The KDF troops are in Somalia as part of the African Union Mission (AMISOM) to help in curbing Al Shabaab threat.